Monday, March 29, 2010

GUlf County Top Landowners

Here is my map of the top four largest landowners in Gulf County. This lab was fun to do. I had a hard time finding the County outline, roads, and hydrology.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Vector Analysis II Lab

1. Which tool did you use? Intersect
Was there any noticeable difference between its results and the results from the instruction? No, in both cases I had 4 matches. However, the resulting maps were different. The intersect only displayed areas water and road buffer overlapped.
2. Which tool did you use here and why? Erase overlay since I wanted to exclude the conservation areas from my search
3. How many features are in this layer? 79 features
What is the area of the largest feature? 7,765,034 sq meters
What is the area of the smallest feature? 748 sq meters

Monday, March 1, 2010

Lab 6 UWF Campus Edited

Here is my Lab 6. This lab was a great exercise in editing layers. I need to practice more but I can see how editing can be a powerful tool in keeping maps and layers up to date.